Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Merrily Goin' Round, Part 2

stepping across green rolling hills
there were moments
he could capture
it all before it slipped 
away once more and again

He simply saw 
it all 
in that spinning orb, in black
the outward appearances 
were stifling

and Crispin would turn inward 
he’d be on his way 
once more
it would suffice
though he lamented 

the lack of 
CompletioN in the AudiencE
Carter had asked who Jack thought that was--

wondered-- if it would be. 
For the profundity of BeautY-- 
Boy, the first time 
he saw the Pacific, 
then the Big Sur

coming down from Half Moon Bay
arriving to the wild Sands Beach
God, or anyhow that Ideal
was on his side 
and Boy,

Achilles had really screwed the whole thing up

We were marching again
a few were walking away with it all 
and we were just watching
them shoot each other 
playing at Quail games

Crispin had seen these blue figures
looming and thought of them
somehow they got in line of 
things for his 
mind to order and 

it was hard thinking 
it could be the end
the oil crisis and the environment 
just went on another war longer 
than the LAST waR

they accepted it as reality 
like God, again-- no changing this
fundamentalist dilemma
Crispin was found in this 
frantic, going round

the paintings had their own 
rules which were not 
written down
they must have come 
from the looking

and what others saw, also
and the relation then to what we felt 
we saw today and into the future
as spring came
to summer

but the world had grown 
outsized in exurbenant soda size 
and the huge rear ends jiggling 
what our land had become 
dotted with

and driving round in carts--
there were too many and the 
aisles were all blocked,
abortion was the issue and wanted 
more and more to fuel

the economic continuity 
of our great land-- 
of the few advantaged, and 
nobody went to the Parks 
anymore, just the French 

and German tourists
muscling into 
to get the view of things
We sedated by Wal MArT

Jack worried 

the scene was 
getting flat, 
what of the character 
he mistrusted as blind stabs 
and the mess 

he had already created 

which had seemed authentic
as long as it was fashion--
and that portrait or representation
of the GreaT MaN, ohh, 

That he believed 
in the Myth, in the Ideal
that, that really bugged him 
that depth 
in the marks

and futzing, to greatness
he thought a device 
Sincerity and Authenticity
it all came round though
ThE RomAntiC 

stabbing and slash was real 
to an extent but was an aim at a 
shape to contain an identity.
though it was true some 
figures were stuck in a phase

seen by another 
in their own phase
we were planets all revolving at 
varied distance in differing 
light and season wondering 

what it looked like
then that was just a part
he thought ,
Jack’s mother said that would be the 

problem, thinking too much on it
he should trust in an
Authority, we would leave unnamed
it was ok til Dad could 
supply the frenzied answers,

“because I said so”
Weird God, Alien God,
No God, I could see,
all of them,
though that book on the ego and id

and sublime and the intellectual 
the real was all so much more 
interesting than the speculation and 
mystery fell short 

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