Thursday, August 1, 2013

Prologue to Part TwO, Part 3

like the meaning 
was already there, all along
in the rocks he spied, at the 
Mesa ridgeline,
He thought, 

probably Moses 
had gone up-- to see
I’m on the Path, 
I’m on the Path, 
he repeated hoping, to get back

by evening fall
de Kooning was 81
in 1985. That was 
kind of Incredible 
to Jack, thinking 

there in his studio 
in his overalls 
scratch, scratch, 
trowel, trowel. 
He’d stand back to see.

“I like dat--”
He’d make it back
Achilles was just worried 
of coming down 

that hill with all the tumbling rocks.
He picked up a stick, 
and noticed
the FUlL MOOn 
aRisIng aboVe the SierrA!

He had made a metaphor 
to ward off
being gobbled 
up, by that fearsome 
woman, the UniVerSE.

The world had become scary to Picasso 
and some thought never 
to write a poem again
And it is true
we face even worse.

That pink tinge 
somewhat menacing
there were many gods older 
than religion,
WhO was in charge of this GaRdeN-- ?

But ourselves
 it made more sense 
The earth is complicated 
like us maybe able to HeAL,

those MEAN ONES, 
This WoodeN ChurcH 
of misled words, 
now a politic

For sale, to the highest biddeR.
There was always the 
simPle DreAm 
of what we could be-- worthless--
He kept saying, 

Reduce and Radicalize
Not that simple.
He had some strange faith,
It was going to complete itself. 
If Jack just kept on

Crispin saw an evolution in a 
Western direction,
The fragment had become extreme 
and created some motion rolling
in negative capability. 

Achilles was remembering how 
much the abstraction 
was a part.
Jack was friends with Monsieur Matisse 
and Senor Picasso 

reading along in the books 
Bill’s painful reality.
The scribble, the painted square, 
a zip
Crispin traced an American Imaginative 

Disney like comic cloud 
this Frederick Church, like reality-- 
of European decent. 
Is there an Original spring?

What matters?
But then what is “what?”
One foot in one world, one in another
going forward
“ out of the woods and into the meadow.”

Orange SquarE and NiGhT
unexpected combinations,
Bang around 
and CyCLe,

Forward, HO! Hoo, HoO! 
It’s Summer again 
as Jack turned the page.
The thunderstorms at Monument Valley 
were already closing in.

The coffee and book shops 
in SoHo were gone
mixed with the loss 
and intensest rendezvous, 
ThE sudden BeaUty.

Jack kicked the old rusted beer cans 
down the road past Mexican Hat.
The Indians did their best 
to wreck the place, 
nothing worked 

it was part of the Religion, 
Jack guessed, as he
shivered in the cold shower, 
he hated the tourists too.
Achilles was on that road where 

he thought he found 
the whole cow’s skeleton 
and the black 
and white warbler flew straight
through the scene

it was an amazing 
green grey valley 
of Sage and Lupine wild flowers, 
Crispin never found it again 
as it all had changed.

Jack picked some Lupine
and hung it in the window
he noticed how it went with his 
Blue GinghaM PatterneD shirT
The Hero Crispin! Ha!

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