Friday, July 26, 2013

Coming 'round again, Part 4

why there wasn''t any more-- 
PoEtRy, someone 
might take a lead
seemed an Existential dutY 
or CoMmoN SensE 

Strong Poet.
Crispin wasn't ashamed 
of what he saw, he took himself
to a Promised land, 
he’d glimpsed

in the CeruleaN
it wasnt what they thought
one had to give up 
one idea to be free.
He wasnt tellin’

he’d find this or that  
saw some interesting hint 
extrapolating some idea
towards, then revolving round that,
coming to some Whole.

Cyling round, then
now in dark spinning into the light, 
the morning, HeRo!
arriving, that saintly 
luCkY FellA,

he’d Remember.
the work was getting done, it looked 
better in the coffee house,
it was growing beyond him
large, an epIc fashion which--

anyway, it was Crispin’s story.
Jack looked up, 
what had he missed, 
He had just woken 
from the dream

had he forgotten 
Nothing was quite strait 
but then it all went together, 
besides he was leaving 

 for the road, The RoaD,
the shelves and the cabinets
could wait
something strait 
would be out of place,

besides trees grew that way, 
it was the crooked timber,
Jack was out in the 
Sun, Wind and Rain,
he swerved, from his thought

as he looked back 
a bobbing head--
the turtle crossing the road 
he remembered, its aged eye
the first one-- 
first one he’d seen 

in the book, Jack thought 
like a Benton illustration--
Oh, and that magazine he’d stopped to see,
flipping in the road, these spots 
of time and flesh

in the rear view
floated through 
and gave a flavor
that he was, Tom Saywer
Becky would always be.

He didnt really have to figure 
anything further, 
organize the parts,
 the whole might be the big 
what it all added up 

to surprise 
and, he’d looked at the rope 

hanging there 
and cringed 
at the sharp thought 

that extreme, 

would be 

and so far
from the form of 

Tom’s white fence, 
all slick 
and new in the Summer Grass 
gleaming Green 

and that it really would turn out 

safe in Texas, 
safe as Texas, 
safe as Texas in Texas,
David’s father would always be madly 
in love with the eaRtH

magical wand of 
here, and Gone-- Fort DA!
everything is somewhat the same 

floating in Heaven 
of thought, remembered
in a dance in firelight
origin and 
Time lapse of-- Bang! and 

the evolutions 
towards our own moment
all crashing 
in a rapids of river time 
up over and down
Really explosive 

time a continuing Big Bang!
so why did I think this rough exaggerated 
the style

Jack liked, seeing how it 
was all hammered together.
organizing the content of 
one’s life in a form which

skipping along, keeping aloft 
on the peaks, the stones slipping
away falling to that dangerous 
Mother gulping 
after formlessness,

Cythonic woman of Eternity,
stars behind,
stars ahead.
my back ache in bed,
never to arrive.

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