Monday, July 29, 2013

Coming 'round again, Part 1

The paintings were a stab 
at some final resolution, 
put in place, 
he could move 
it around later

coming 'round again, 
maybe it would 
be right this time, shifted 
somewhat, Oh, geez. 
The shopping Mall, 

and that corporate sky line
now blocking the vision,
Did you think about how vision 
could mean seeing the whole, 
the order 

making it, one 
But it had to be true 
had to hold a lot in one’s head, 
the weight 

was worth the struggle, 
that corporate plan lacked, 
The suburban was the plan 
to lull into a submissive --

these wanderings 
more pressure 
the reality of it all 
to bull doze Jack, tumbling 
in the black garbage bags 

down, rolling head 
over heels, 
cartoon like--
of course it was hard enough 
without the backache and stressful 

cold sore, and we were human, 
all too--
That water over the dam, 
just continued 
into a beautiful, 

slow motion catastrophe 
of loss, now even the ice 
out of order Koyanisquatsi like
Green World, melting.
where would Jack salvage

this or 
thoughts, and stick them 
to file them, 

stacking the next,
Painting, it seemed 
to stop something.
Jack hugged the sheath 
to his chest 

it would get him through, 
he thought, his thoughts, 
which he loved 
from a distance, tumbling in like 

tumbling the new work, in 
likewise jig saw 
and juxtaposition 
and cycle revolving, 

in the evening OranGing Sky.
He was happy like Ariel,
Jack thought about a painting of 
the Sneakers, 
icon like 

Vincent’s peasant shoes,
and what of a hat on a stick? his 
walking stick?
 that Staff the one, 
a leaping flame.

he was out on his walk 
around the lagoon, 
the blue spots, 
Alex was passing 

Jack on Mercer St 
his White Bucks and Over sized Sunglasses 
another Theater, 
I enjoyed 
another Fashion 

of sorts. He made 
a picture of it all.
Crispin thought 
he’d take that simplicity 
and break it  

was like the lost sun,
and it showed the other simplicity 
of merely circulating.
It all went round,
and it was behind 

what happened 
and then there out in front 
and it changed 
the perspective on he saw 
what one was doing, 

and NeW.
They were shifting in their chairs 
by this time, 
another left to the rest room--
Exaggeration and Surprise! 

Ruin the Sacred Truths, 
Ironic Hyperbole, what a great word
That transposition.
made it's mark, erased

and drawn again 
and erased, 
they had decided that they would 
never know,
tossed out the results 

as no result,
Crispin would make it up 
beyond that heap over there,
Achilles was gesticulating with one arm 
dragging that corpse around 

with no self consciousness.
He had recognized Billy-- 
out there in the distance, 
his gaudy scarf
gave him away,

The whole contained 
the opposite,
and that was where he was headed,
this was just the second PaRt
He hoped he’d make it

Well the gardener was gone --or
really there never was one, 
someone had put in some work
it had been forgotten.

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